~`♥ Today

Dum vita est spes est

Sunday 31 January 2010

Blurry Sunday...

hate the feel...

Have you ever had a day that is bad because you can't see clearly? This happens to me today. Last night, thanks to the stupid slow movie that loaded for million years, I forgot (or in fact, too lazy) to wear my night contact, and I can't see very clearly today. And I hate the blurry feel, it makes me moody the whole day...... :/
So what went wrong today? The worst thing that happened today was...... I spent the whole lovely afternoon & night shopping :) and eventually...... I bought nothing :( . I've been to like 100 shops (joking, I can't remember the number :p), and either there's nothing I like, or there's something I like but it's too expensive $$. And when I didn't buy anything while shopping, I'll not feel like shopping anymore.
I didn't do anything meaningful today, I didn't do anything I planned to do, I don't like what's going to happen next -> time to sleep, tomorrow's monday, again.
Oh, and did you realise 1 month had past (going to in 57 mins)? Tomorrow's 1 Feb!!! I love February!!! Know why? :D

P.S. My birthday's coming... that's why.

Tuesday 26 January 2010


a game for 36......

Today, chinese lesson is super interesting,我们玩好玩的游戏!这个游戏不难,只要把老师讲的成语写出来就好了,而且还不能偷看别人的哦!这就是我们第一个游戏(听写 for those of you who is still guessing what's the game -.-),第二个游戏,比较简单(literally),那就是综合填空。
Anyway, today's quite not-so-interesting, cause I don't know why.....

I was hoping lian lao shi won't 玩游戏 with us today, but I was wrong.

I was looking forward to lunch the whole day, but was disappointed again.

I think the best time I'm having is right now.

Monday 18 January 2010


Most stupid burger......

MOS(t) stupid burger!!!! OMG, I can't believe anyone would order a teriyaki beef burger without veggie and teriyaki sauce, when you didn't even order this in the first place. Am I making any sense? No. But that is what happen to my dinner, it makes no sense! I ate a teriyaki beef burger without veggie and teriyaki sauce. I didn't realise it in the first place cause it's take away. So, in the end, I ate a hamburger, literally.

I like MOS burger, but, I hate MOSt stupid burger!!!! >(

Saturday 16 January 2010




Monday 4 January 2010

So much of a happy school day...


Oh well, I love the celimony today, oops, I mean ceremony. Ok, anyway, this year orientation wasn't too bad, but the games were quite simple, beside our bonus game, which we failed badly. 1st game: Memorise the position of the poker cards and flip it in the order of the shape.And we went Parkway to eat subway!!! We didn't went there just to eat subway, we had activity there and just nice it's our break time after that (I wouldn't call it a lunch since it's like 10am?!).
2nd game: Find 2 people's ages which add up to 54.
3rd game: Limited sight soccer.
4th game: Tug-o-war.
5th game: Hold a pile of water (using feet only) for 5 minute.
Bonus game: Multi-legged race.

And so, my day ended happily beside some crappy things that happened. so sai...

Sunday 3 January 2010

School starts again...

a new year, a new school term......

Ok, school's starting in less then 24 hrs. I don't want it, but I can't help it. All I want is a good start for year 4, hope tomorrow is better than I hope. And just now, I read Mr Siva's email, quite touching, for those of you fellows in 3H09 who havn't read it, go dig into your inbox now!
So...... I shall go off now. Adios.

P.S. i don't like it at all

Friday 1 January 2010

Crazy New Year ahead!!!

welcome 2010......

For those who watched 2012(which I regret I didn't), you know we're going to doomed in 2 years time. NO! This isn't happening, for those who have this thought in mind, I can only say: Get a life man! Ok, anyway, I'm here to tell you I've this crazy start for the year 2010.
First, we partied very late last night, and I woke up at around 1.30pm! That's a time I consider very very very late!!!
Secondly, After me and my family went to watch Avatar(really really nice), in 15 minutes time, we bought another 4 tickets for 刺凌 Treasure hunters! It's like a movie marathon, though it's only 2 movies in a roll.
Anyway, I think I shouldn't spend much more time on blogging, I've still got tons of homework to do. Adios :)

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! May all your wishes come true!!!