~`♥ Today

Dum vita est spes est

Wednesday 21 November 2007

Toilet 'mystery'

It's it a female toilet or male......

This is the first thing you see from the out side of the toilet. Is it a female toilet or male toilet?

You step in and you see this. Is it a female toilet or a male toilet?

opps! It's a female toilet! xD (why would 'that thing' be there?)

Monday 19 November 2007

Movie season!

i love movies......

November, a great month for lovely movies! 1st, it's holiday; 2nd, it's near X'mas, people love X'mas, don't they? (well, i surely DO!) There so many nice movies either in cinema now or coming soon! Like the <The seeker> .......(hahaha, joking, as if we all have so much $$$) :P

Friday 16 November 2007

CAP wild!

Is it cap or CAP......

OMG! CAP is driving me up the wall!!!! I'm running out of ideas already! Wosh, anyone wanna help me? probably no, haha. Anyway, just to say: Good luck to those who has the same problems like me NOW!

Wish ya all ta Happy Holi'! me too......

Monday 12 November 2007

Music= good OR bad


Teachers always say that when you learn music, you can become more elegant.

They say that music smoothen your temper.

But why are some music teachers so fierce? Why don't they smile? Why does one small noise make them goes wild?

Does music really helps?

Friday 2 November 2007



Write something, I said. Something, I wrote.
Nothing, I said. Nothing, I wrote.