~`♥ Today

Dum vita est spes est

Friday 26 June 2009


Michael Jackson has died today!!!!

The singer was rushed to hospital earlier today in Los Angeles, but according to reports he has died of a heart attack!
According to TMZ, paramedics were unable to revive the musician after they were called to his Los Angeles-area home. They reported that when paramedics arrived on the scene, Jackson had no pulse and they never got a pulse back.The Los Angeles Times is reporting that doctors pronounced the singer dead after arriving at the hospital in a deep coma at 1.07pm (PST). He was 50 years old.

Wednesday 24 June 2009

Taiwan trip 09 june

These are some of the photos I took during the trip :D

西门町- 看电影逛街的最佳去处!

Graffiti rocks here!


士林夜市- 便宜购物和小吃的好去处!I love here!
Went there twice, came back with tonnes of things evertime!
Never got bored of it xD

Funny ad about some vitamin C drink using Obama and Bush. Haha



Wednesday 17 June 2009


oh, I'm back......

Okay, there's a lot of things I want to say (or write). First, sorry that I didn't post the alert notice that I'm going overseas, taiwan, and many of you had sms/called me while I'm away, sorry for the extra cost you spent. Why I didn't inform? 2 reasons.
1.this is a last minute decision, I wasn't going away at first, I book the ticket few days before taking off, so I don't really have the time to tell everybody (by the way, I made the decision when I was in BSP camp).
2. I was lazy ok...(this is a minor reason).
Second thing I want to say is......I don't really remember......suddenly forget about what I want to say. My mind goes blank after 2 msn chat and after writing the first thing I want to say. Oops. Nvm, I will try to recall. Meanwhile, just wait for my second post, which hopefully well includes some pics of my trip :D Goodnight.

Friday 5 June 2009

I miss BSP camp...

it's one of the best camp ever......

Wah~ T.T I miss BSP camp!!! Can't believe it's over so fast, can't believe it can be so fun, can't believe I miss it so much, can't believe...... this camp is full of surprises!

Too much to share, too much to say, why not let the photos show you the happy moments we had......

第一天, 我们慢慢认识

第二天, 我们了解彼此

第三天, 我们开始发现




天下没有不散的筵席, 但却有永恒的友谊。

Monday 1 June 2009

Too many things to do in such a short period of time...

This is the longest title I ever written......

How how how??? IDMI x 2, a chunk of homework = headache headache and more headache! Drving me nuts! Argh~!!! When can all these end (not the holiday)?

P.S. Maybe you are right. And I do mean maybe.
And after I looked at the Da Jin and Ling Rong's pic again (below), I found out something... if Da Jin and Ling Rong combine, it will be called "Daling" (Darling), how sweet~ lol