~`♥ Today

Dum vita est spes est

Wednesday 28 October 2009

The photos for chalet BBQ

Mahjong Rules!
There's like 3 tables?!

Me and Wye inn

This shows how ulu the place is. It's up the hill!

Trying to start fire

Block C. The most inner block, and the last

Mosquito everywhere! A big bite on Wye inn's leg!

Fire fire~

Wye inn being childish... -.-

Me being childish... -.-

Cats EVERYWHERE!!!! (cute little one :P)

Monday 26 October 2009

I'm gonna remember today cause...

I'm pissed......

I'm so pissed, not with anybody (not exactly), but with MYSELF! I was hoping for the BEST while expecting the WORST, and here's what I got: The Worst. Great, everything's screwed. All my A* and A(s) are going to fly far far far away. I don't wanna to talk much about it, cause it's really sad...... so just hope tomorrow CAN be better (must be)! Good lucks to all too!

Sunday 25 October 2009

A few pics...

Can you see the difference in handwriting in the top boxes and rest?
That is because Qiu rui 手软 and can't write properly -.-

And this is Qiu rui, hopefully...

Oh, and here's part of the class chalet BBQ pics.
This is the melting hot chocolate for the meshmellow!
Yum yum :P

Thursday 22 October 2009

Can't believe EOY's OVER!!!


Hahahaha! Can't imagine I'm actually sitting here, not at school, typing a post, had a movie (500 days of Summer) yesterday, went to class chalet for BBQ last night, when at the same day morning, I just finished my Math 2 paper! EOY's officially over (for this year)!!!!!

And for those who don't know where our class chalet is, let me tell you: It's at a super duper duper ULU place! Seriously, trust me. It's not like the normal chalets in a roll, it's more like a terrace house (there's only 3 blocks in a roll, we are block C), and the place is up a hill, and is flooded with cats, stray cats (ok, maybe not flooded, but there's like 5/6 of them?). They were begging for foods, but we insisted on not giving them any. And do you know that Lester knows how to talk to cats? There was one cat who kept following him, and even replied to whatever he says (meowing -.-). Haha, anyway, there's some more interesting things that happened during BBQ, and I'll post the photos soon, so...... to be continued...

Monday 19 October 2009

haha, funny & crazy

long time no see......

Hey, no time no see. YEAH~ EOY's coming to an END in 2 days time, and the hardest part has been over (I hope). So, (I'm not slacking okay?) just to share with you guys some interesting (I'm not very comfortable with the word interesting. Don't ask me why.) videos, they are really cool!

Okay, that's for all for the day. Enjoy ;) And good luck for your last Physics, HCL paper 2 and finally, A Math! Mug your way to success~

Tuesday 13 October 2009

Saturday 10 October 2009


how should I phrase this......

There is good and bad...

Oct horror movie marathon cancelled.

EOY is here in 2 days.


Tuesday 6 October 2009

衰 day, today.

Why today's so 衰...

1. Morning, we thought that flag rising will be in class, but in the end it's still at parade square :(
2. Played soccer during P.E.- wet and lost :(
3. I thought there's Physics today, but instead it turned out to be History :(
4. Scratch myself with a pencil today :(
5. My left index finger's skin peeled off :(
6. Cut my right thumb while trying to open sparkling juice bottle :(
7. My desk lights suddenly spoiled 0.0 :(
8. Internet connection was super lag for 2 hrs : (
9. Dropped my handphone twice :(
10. EOY is in less than a week :(

Anyway, I shall be back mugging, hope it will be better...