~`♥ Today

Dum vita est spes est

Saturday 30 May 2009

June Holiday Finally!

love having break......

Today's the last day of school!!! Yeah, june holiday has finally came! Freedom at last! :D

However, (music: dang dang dang dang!!! )

A pile of holi homeworks are still waiting for me......every subject, every piece, they are killing me and my june holiday......oh man~ headache ;x Who will win in the end? The evil holi homeworks or me? We'll see...

Anyway, today Mr Siva treated our class pizza!!! xD

Qiu Rui eating pizza :)
Wye Inn eating pizza :) (Man Jia at the background)

OH~ What is Ling Rong and Da Jin doing?
Aye yo, Ling Rong ~

Ling and Da so close! xP

Kellie eating a BIG pizza! :P

Wye Inn again.

Xin Xin just put braces yesterday, can't really eat the pizza. :(
Man Jia try to turn away, but I took her before she could. haha.

And that's all for today.

Are you jealous?

Monday 25 May 2009

Interclass girls bball

Go 3H!......
During the quarter final match against 3E

A short clip on the match at the begining.

Though we lost to 3E (sadly), but we'll definately (must) get a 3rd ok!

We don't want (hope not) the not gold-not silver-not bronze medal,




Next match: thurs 445

Come and support 3H

Go Heros!

Thursday 21 May 2009

Found this very funny thing:























…… 對方沈默了10秒種,沒說出話來,把電話掛了...

1....多讀書啦 ....


媽媽很鎮定地回答:「不要怕,那個字唸"場" ,乖喔……」


2.. 個人經驗

手機響了:「XXX先生,根據資料顯示,三分鐘前, 你剛剛在燦坤用XX現金卡刷了一筆兩萬六千元的款項, 請問有這回事嗎?」











3.. 網路真人真事

「嗚哇嗚嗚嗚.. (小孩哭聲)」


「我就是我家的小孩 =_= 」剛變聲小六生的無奈

4. 我 : 你好, 我剛剛收到簡訊說我在新光三越消費

歹徒 : 給我你的刷卡編號

我 : (簡訊裡有) 66723

歹徒 : 小姐請問貴姓

我 : 林

歹徒 : 全名是

我 : 志氣的志,玲瓏的玲(忍住笑,好想笑喔)

歹徒 : ..........(遲疑) 林...志玲小姐,剛剛有人在台中新光三越 將您的花旗信用卡開卡後,盜刷16800元喔

我 : 是嗎,錯了吧

歹徒 : 錯了?! 你趕快到提款機去更改密碼,否則會被盜領帳戶喔

我 : 不是不是,卡是我刷的,我刷了16萬喔,不是1萬6

歹徒 : .........你剛剛在新光三越

我 : 我現在還在新光三越

歹徒 : 可是警察說你被盜刷喔

我 : 好吧,被你抓到了,我是林志玲的妹妹,我盜刷了我姐的卡, 我準備要去自首

歹徒 : .........嗯 (押住電話,小聲跟旁人說,過來一下,她 盜刷別人的卡ㄟ)

另一歹徒 :小姐,你的行為是犯法的,不過我們可以幫你脫罪

我 : 感謝,怎麼脫罪

歹徒 : 林 小姐,方便告訴我你全名嗎,我幫你查查資料,或許還沒入帳

我 : 雙木林,姥姥的姥,牡丹花的牡,我是林姥牡啦~

歹徒 : ...(掛電話)

Woah! Gold!

first time......

Woah~ First time in my Napha history, I got GOLD! Never expected that 8D. I was thinking that the best I could ever get would be silver, cause I got bronze for the past 2 years, and I totally can't do incline pull-up, however, I did quite well this year, amazing!

Tuesday 19 May 2009


Today's supposed to be our yr 3 level camp at Malaca and for the next 3 days......but thanks to H1N1, we're still currently in Singapore, and we're not going at all. And you know what's the best part? We've got Math test tomorrow, woah! How wonderful! Don't you think so? Math test on the supposly second day of level camp, unbelievable! -.-

Monday 18 May 2009

Random and Retard

This is just dumb......

I can't believe we wore the same shirt, though it's planned. It feels dumb. o.0

SE concert.

Two Little Miss Chatterbox taking photos in toilet.
(P.S. xin min is the real life "Little Miss Chatterbox)
Random + (to a small extent) Retard

Yong Seng stole Hoe's pencil box and put it on his head, and started to act like Naruto?!
(During lesson- Chem)
Random + Retard

Today's a free milo day, celebrating AYG!

Saturday 16 May 2009


1. You're reading my post
2. Now your saying/thinking thats a stupid fact.
4. You didnt notice that i skipped 3.
5. You're checking it now.
6. You're smiling.
7. You're still reading my post.
8. You know all you have read is true.
10. You didnt notice that i skipped 9.
11. You're checking it now.
12. You didnt notice there are only 10 facts

Friday 15 May 2009

Friday, the free day


Today's full of fun and laughter. Let's start with LA lesson, we were talking about 诚信勇忠 (our sch motto), but Mrs Kumaran couldn't really pronounce "cheng xin yong zhong", she said, "shen jing long zhong" which sounds like "神经隆重", then we started to laugh. She knew that she pronounced wrongly, but she wanted to know what is the meaning of the wrong pronunciation, so...

Mrs K: What's "shen jing long zhong"? I mean, are there really such words? What's "shen jing" (神经)?

Us: It means crazy.

Mrs K: Then what's "long zhong"(隆重)?

Us: Grand.

Mrs K: You mean, you are a crazy and grand school?!

Everyone laughs.

Then during Chinese,

张老师 showed us his box of 纸青蛙, the essay he wrote about, they're his precious present from his old students.


Class: 哇~


Chik: 老师,你昨晚折了多久?


Wednesday 13 May 2009

Oh man~ H1N1

i hate it...

Stupid H1N1! See, now you're spreading to China, how am I suppose to go Hunan? I don't want the trip to be cancelled! You better stay just where you are, don't travel any further!

And...A joke to share:

Last week, 陈老师来找人。

Justin S: 老师so帅!


Justin S: 老师so cool~

Sunday 10 May 2009

Is it a nightmare?


Everyday, or rather these few days, I wake up and see this thing, I don't know I'm suppose to be happy or angry, it's like a monster, getter bigger and bolder each day. Sometimes it may seem to be a cute little teddy bear, but most of the time, it's still a monster. It's taking its chance, I won't buy it; it's going to haunt me, I won't give in. Maybe it's just a bad dream, a nightmare, a weird imagination. But I shall not bother about it, afterall, dreams can't be real......or can it?

Friday 8 May 2009

Hey hey


Hey hey, long time no post, due to the large amount of tests (2 to be exact). Finally, today I'm so free~ no CO-come home early, monday no school- 3 days of break, yeah! Happy happy happy :D Hmm...don't know what to post so I shall show you...

Some photos of the day:

Yong Shen and his "clip art"

Playing with the girls' hair clip...-.-

Ling rong's alien hand writing 0.o
Video of the day:
Yue heng dancing 肚皮舞~

Sunday 3 May 2009

Feeling tired..

of everything......

Maybe is because of the long holiday(not exactly), my whole body system seems to work in slow motion. I don't have the mood(or energy) to study, feeling very......I-don't-know-how-to-say kinda feeling, weird. Even now, I feel like just sit there and blank. I don't know what to do (but then, I'm blogging now). I want to study(really want to), but I just can't concentrate. Man~ I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo tired.

Some random photos...
Sleeping baby pointing middle finger.
Yue heng, the begger, with extra shi lun

Unglam ying xian eating cheese fries.