~`♥ Today

Dum vita est spes est

Sunday 31 August 2008

Teacher's Day celebration! xD

let's all have fun......

Friday is our school Teacher's day celebration. And our theme for this year is Movie, therefore every class had to choose a movie theme and wear the theme costume......and you know what our class choose? TRANSFORMER!!! It's a bit retarded at first, cause this means we will have to wear boxes to act like transformers! But of course, a mask will be good too, so I wore a mask, while Qingang and Toby wear boxes, it's really funny! People were all looking and laughing at our class when we made our way to the hall for concert =.= But HELLO? We should be given a price for being the most creative class or the most recycling class (we only used recycling materials: cardboard, plastic and paper bags. etc.) lol.

After the concert we had a mass party across year 1 and 2 at the gym. I must say, our class was like having a food fight, people were throwing sweets and bottled drinks around (I did not)! But we did clear up... Oh, 还有,我们一直在“烦”黄老师,从上上个礼拜,我们就一直说她要结婚了,她要拍婚纱照啦,等等不属实的事情,把她“烦”死了。而这一天,我们还点了一首歌给她:今天你要嫁给我。 It's really funny!!! Well, she didn't seem too piss, I guess she enjoy it too! Haha. Anyway, we really hope she can get married soon.

P.S. Her boyfriend is ok looking...

me and my mask!

more pics next time...

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